
Friday, March 18, 2011

What's the Risk of Excess Weight

Why Excess Weight Kills

How Exercising after Fasting Prevents DiabetesExercising Muscles Do Not Need Insulin

Dietary Factors That Cause High Blood Sugar

Eating sugared foods and drinks can cause a high rise in blood sugar levels that damages cells and sugar in drinks are far more damaging than sugar in food.

When you eat, the pyloric sphincter at the end of your stomach closes to keep food in your stomach. Then food is mixed in your stomach and must stay there until it is converted to a soup that is squeezed into the intestines. Sugared drinks pass readily into your intestines to cause a high rise in blood sugar. Sugared foods take much longer to raise blood sugar levels. For example, fruit juices and sugared soft drinks enter the intestines immediately to cause a rapid rise in blood sugar (JAMA, August 25, 2004). Furthermore sugared drinks increase diabetes risk, while fruits decrease risk (Am J Clin Nutr, 2008 (July);88(1):51-57)

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