
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diabetes: A Homeopathic Journey

Diabetes: A Homeopathic Journey - Continued


Make the healthcare team a trio-you, the primary care physician, and the naturopathic physician Read labels for ingredients. While shopping, I purchased a "multi-grain, no artificial flavors or colors" cereal emblazoned on the box front. I scanned the nutritional facts of 100% daily value in a long list of vitamins. After I got home, I read the small print at the bottom of the listing. The third ingredient is sugar, followed by corn syrup, brown sugar and a plethora of unpronounceable chemicals. Advertisers desire to make money, not look after the health of consumers.

Avoid artificial sweeteners, sugar-free, fat-free, diet products. They kill your liver.
Drink, in ounces, distilled or spring (not purified) water equal to one-half of your weight. Hydration also lessens the pain of needle-stick blood draws.

Shop at a local farmers' market and health food stores for fresh fruits and vegetables
Prepare foods in advance to avoid impulse eating
Buy a diabetic, vegetarian or vegan cookbook for varied recipes
Find support from a knowledgeable friend and/or health food store employee who can recommend products like the best-tasting almond milk or healthy grain breads like spelt, for example

Research the Internet. Be aware that all information found may not be accurate. If a company is selling a product, the information may be biased. Kathy Schrock's site, e.g., gives five questions to consider when evaluating a website.

Rest as your body heals itself

Exercise 5-6x a week for 30 minutes. Walking, yoga and stairs are ideal. My blood glucose went down 70 points after a brisk walk.

Maintain a normal weight. Two years ago, I lost seventeen pounds in three months by eliminating the "whites"-pasta, bread, rice, white flour, and sugar-while watching starches and carbohydrates. No diet pills.

I learned, on my own, that a high carb diet not only raises glucose level, but also prevents weight loss. The appendix of Dr. Sears's book lists the glycemic index of individual food carbs, which are inducers of insulin. Lower percentages are best.

Keep records. An Excel spreadsheet provides a record of medical expenses for tax deductions. Categories might be Date; Check #, Visa or Debit; Provider; Mileage; Notes; and Cost. "Meds" (prescriptions and supplements) and "Medical Procedure" Word docs provide quick medical references

Explore resources that propose the power of the body to heal itself.

Information included in this article has been gathered over the years from reading, doctors (allopathic and naturopathic), personal experience, and from researching the Internet.

Good health is a journey of personal empowerment, making informed decisions and choices.

Bernstein, Richard, M.D. Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. Rev. Ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., c2003.
Dooley, Timothy R., N.D., M.D. Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Science. San Diego, CA: Timing Publications, c2002.
Kloss, Jethro. Back to Eden. Rev. Ed. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, c1999.
Lipton, Bruce, Ph.D. Biology of Belief. London: Hay House, Inc., c2008
Sears, Barry, Ph.D. The Zone: A Dietary Road Map. New York: HarperCollins, Publishers, Inc., c1995.

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