
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Six ways to stay healthy on airplane trips

Summer flights are on their way, along with the germs that ride along. Follow these tips to “put the odds overwhelmingly in your favor of not catching a cold or the flu,” says Dr. Mark Gendreau, an air-travel expert and vice chair of emergency medicine at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass.:

1. Drink lots of water. Nasal membranes — an important barrier against germs — don't work as well if they dry out. Keep in mind that the air on planes is very low in humidity.

2. Use saline nasal spray. Sprays can increase how rapidly the tiny hairs that line nasal passages beat back and forth to expel germs. They also help keep membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth moist.

3. Carry hand sanitizer. Buy products that contain at least 60 percent alcohol and clean your hands frequently, especially before touching your face. Since germs can linger in public restrooms, it's a good idea to use sanitizer even after washing with soap and water.

4. Wipe down trays and seat handles. Both can be contaminated with dangerous germs such as drug-resistant bacteria. Clean with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or an antibacterial wipe.

5. Increase the ventilation at your seat. Saliva droplets from sneezing, coughing and even conversation can fly up to six feet in the air and rain down on nearby passengers. Turn the vent above your seat to medium flow and position it so the current moves just slightly in front of your face.

6. Consult your doctor. People who are pregnant, battling a serious respiratory infection, undergoing chemotherapy or taking an immunosuppressant are at higher risk for complications from an infection and may need to take extra precautions.

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