
Friday, April 15, 2011


Toxins in Our Environment: Live Longer Through Detoxification

Our bodies are exposed to toxins in our air, water, food, cleaning products, dental products etc on an ongoing basis. When our bodies cannot get rid of toxins, we store them in various tissues and compartments throughout our bodies. This causes the tissues where the toxins are stored to degenerate or become dysfunctional, which leads to disease or illness. Once an organ in the body is toxic it impacts other organs. For example, a liver that is diseased due to an accumulation of toxins can negatively impact the hormonal/endocrine system.

As a first step, it is essential to identify toxins to which you are exposed and then try to minimize your exposure. The next step is to undergo a detoxification process.

The three strategies for managing toxic accumulation including:

•Considerably lower toxic exposure

•Improve body’s ability to detoxify

•Remove accumulated toxins

In upcoming blog entries, I will explore in more detail where to locate these toxins and tips on how to maintain a toxic-free lifestyle

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