
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Barriers to Running

All of us fight with many (mostly) internal and (a few) external thoughts which block us from starting to run.

Some of the most common ones are...

Internal barriers:
  1. I have a breathing problem. Running has been known to reduce asthma as it strengthens the cardio vascular system.
  2. What will people think of me. They'll actually envy you!
  3. Walking is the best. Not so now, as various studies on large populations of people have shown. Check this study
  4. I don’t have the right gear/ equipment. Actually to start you don't need much - just a pair of shoes appropriate for your feet
  5. I will be out of place. Actually just look around you and you will see people of all shapes, sizes and ages running. Don't worry, you will not stand out. 
  6. I have no time. President Clinton and Anil Ambani make time to run regularly. So can you.
  7. I travel a lot. So do they. Pack your shorts, T shirt and running shoes. Running helps overcome jet lag. Get to see another city while you travel - in a unique way - while running.
  8. I am too fat. But isn't that what you want to address? Lose weight, get healthier and more energised? People have lost over 25kilos of weight primarily through running and following moderation in eating. Running can be a no rocket science, no crash diet, long term means of losing weight, keeping it off, and leading a healthier lifestyle.
  9. I am slim. I don't need to run, or exercise for that matter. You'll be surprised when you read this
  10. Doctors have told me running is bad for the knees. Unless you have a bone problem, impact exercise -of which running is the most steady, has been known to reduce incidence of osteoporosis, strengthen the muscles and bone joints and ACTUALLY improve the condition of your knees.. Once again - the shoes you wear must be appropriate to your feet and must also be replaced as soon as you see signs of wearing out on the heels of your feet.
  11. I will start next week. If you look at your diary for next week and see all the things that have been put there, it may be better to start this week and ease up on your heavy 'next week'

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