
Monday, April 11, 2011

Surviving The 21st Century

Surviving The 21st Century - Whats In My Food?

Joining me on the panel will be Mannie Barling and his wife Ashley Brooks.

The original plan was to include an update on the Gulf oil spill. For the past three weeks we have been talking about health in the Gulf region and the possible effects of the toxins in both the water and air on the local population. I will let you draw your own conclusions to the following. Neither of our local corespondents will be able to join us this week due to health issues. In fact one of them is in Hospital!

Our main investigation this week is going to be into the world of food additives. There are hundreds of them in common use, and two in particular that appear with alarming regularity, MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup.

MSG has been linked to a number illnesses, and indeed for a period of time it appeared that manufacturers were no longer using it. All I can say is that the 400,000,000 pounds of MSG manufactured each year in the US is being used somewhere?

The other very common food additive is High Fructose Corn Syrup. This stuff is everywhere! The FDA claims that the average adult consumes 37 lbs of the stuff each year. This number while very alarming is actually artificially low. many independent researchers feel the actual amount is 60-70 lbs per year.

know that this is one of Mannie’s hot buttons and I feel confident that he will be explaining the huge disparity between the FDA numbers and real life. The term that sums it up nicely is that the FDA has employed the use of some truly creative statistics.

Both MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup have been linked to obesity, yet the food industry continues to use them in ever growing amounts.

In the case of MSG the manufacturers have become very creative. Tune in to the program and learn about ‘clean labels’, and ‘MSG Free’.

You can use this link to listen live.

Emanuel Barling, Jr., Esq. and Ashley F. Brooks, R.N. authors of Arthritis, Inflammation, Gout, Crohn’s, IBD and IBS – How to Eliminate Pain and Extend your Life and Mannie’s Diet and Enzyme Formula – A Change of Lifestyle Diet Designed for Everyone available at, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and other booksellers around the world. The authors’ latest book, It’s Not Your Fault! Weight Gain, Obesity and Food Addiction will be available for the 2010 holidays.

Simon Barrett

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