
Friday, February 11, 2011

Mobile Global health Video

Video: Mobile health is global


One of the core themes at the mHealth Summit in Washington DC last year was the conversation around developed markets and developing markets — also known as emerging markets, resource-constrainted markets and so on. Mobile health services and technologies are already in use in many emerging markets and many people working in mobile health today argue that these pilots can be (and have been) instructive for mobile health service providers looking to offer similar programs in the developed world.

Others argue that testing mobile health services in other markets where regulators are less influential or nonexistent is morally reprehensible.

There is plenty of conflict surrounding the idea of the global opportunity for mHealth. Whether or not mHealth has a global opportunity, however, is not up for debate. It certainly does.

MobiHealthNews along with our good friends at ListenIn Pictures, pieced together this video collage of thoughts and soundbites about mHealth’s global opportunity, the developed vs. developing market discussion, remote diagnostics, science fiction and much, much more from the mHealth Summit:

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