
Monday, February 28, 2011

What's the Value of Cayenne?

Historical Uses of Cayenne

Cayenne has reportedly been used medicinally by various cultures for centuries. Purported uses include gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular disorders, pain, skin conditions and respiratory conditions.

Ayurveda: The use of cayenne in Ayurvedic medicine is well documented. Primarily, it is used orally for treatment of peptic ulcers, dyspepsia and flatulence. According to secondary sources, in Ayurvedic medicine, a combination of cayenne, garlic and liquid is used in external paste form as a local stimulant. When combined with mustard seed in a paste, cayenne is used as a counterirritant. Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are used as food additives and drugs in India.

Caribbean medicine: In Trinidad, bird pepper juice applied inside a dog's nose is used to improve the ability of a dog to find a trail or follow a scent. Capsicum frutescens has also been used to treat diabetes mellitus by traditional healers in Jamaica. In the West Indies, a preparation called mandram, used for weak digestion and loss of appetite, contains cayenne, thinly sliced cucumbers, shallots, chives or onions and lemon or lime juice.

Chinese medicine: In Chinese medicine, cayenne is used as a digestive stimulant for gastrointestinal disorders. Topically, it is used in ointment form to treat myalgia and frostbite. Today, capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are used as food additives and drugs in China.

European medicine: Cayenne pepper is approved by the German Commission E as a topical ointment for the relief of painful muscle spasms.

Japanese medicine: Use of chilies has been documented in traditional Japanese medicine. One current product used in Japan that includes cayenne as an ingredient is detoxication foot pads for external use. An appetite suppressive effect of cayenne has been shown in Japanese females.

Mexican medicine: In Mexico, evidence exists of very early cultivation and enjoyment of Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens. Capsicum has reportedly been used as a spice by ancient Incan, Aztec and Mayan cultures, and remains of chili, or xilli, a larger Capsicum variety cultivated from at least 3000 BC, were found in pottery from Puebla and Oaxaca. According to secondary sources, Capsicum was a staple of the Aztec diet. Culinarily, chilies are used in many foods throughout Mexico today.

Middle Eastern medicine: In Pakistan, Capsicum annuum fruit is used as an omen against "the evil eye" and giant yellow fever. Capsicum frutescens is used in traditional Sikh medicine.
Modern (Western) herbal medicine: In the 1800s, Samuel Thompson, a physician of the eclectic medicine movement, believed cayenne to be a useful remedy for diseases caused by cold temperatures. It was often combined with other therapies such as emetic herbs and steam baths. Later, in the mid 20th century, the well-known herbalist Dr. Christopher spoke widely of the many uses of cayenne, such as for cardiovascular disorders, ulcers, and asthma. Today, cayenne is recommended by herbalists as a circulatory and metabolic stimulant, as a treatment and preventative for upper respiratory infections, dyspepsia, colic and flatulence, and topically in the form of a liniment or ointment for arthritis, rheumatism, low back pain and myalgia (muscle pain). One common preparation used for sore throat is a tea or gargle of cayenne, lemon juice and honey. Cayenne pepper has been reported as a commonly used herbal product in Canada for patients with cardiovascular disease.

Native American medicine: According to secondary sources, chili (cayenne pepper) has been used by Native Americans as both food and medicine for at least 9,000 years. Native Americans have reportedly used cayenne as a stimulant. It may have also been an Indian ritual snuff ingredient.

South American medicine: Cayenne has been used as a folk remedy for weak digestion, as an appetite stimulant and as a circulatory stimulant for circulatory disorders.

For more information about cayenne, please visit Natural Standard's Foods, Herbs & Supplements database.

Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine.

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