
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life Renewal

Top = Before
Bottom = After

After 5 Treatments

Nerve Damage:
Red = Severe;
Blue = Medium;
Green = Mild;
While = Normal

The reason why the Renew Yourself Program is so important is because it addresses a core issue to increasing the energy of life traveling through the physical body.

The most dramatic improvements can be experience in combination with a Juice Fasting (Spiritual Fast / Detoxification Program). Fasting creates an environment in the body of superior receptivity and deeper healing. It gives you a jump start through pure organic nutrient-dense mineral-rich vegetable juices. During the retreats, you’ll get exposed and learn different lifestyle tools that can be used at home to continue the process of growing, expansion and healing.

You can further select from over 30 top-class wellness and detoxifation therapies that set you off on the path of whole-body enlightenment. Within less than two weeks of residency, the synergistic result is a giant shift in consciousness, highest levels of health and energy are achieved, and many seeds are being planted to continue the journey of self-realization.

When further combined with the Whole Person Healing supplementation plan, the turning-on of the anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-oxidant genes is further enhanced.

The series of treatments start with a neural-diagnostic computer scan of the spine that measures the electrical activity. A software puts the scanned results into a visual format which gives a baseline to design an individualized therapy.

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