
Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's Gut Microflora?

Gut Microflora Key to Obesity?

HARYANA, India—The old adage weight is determined by calories in versus calories out may have a new factor, according to reviewers from India’s National Dairy Research Institute.

They focused on the concept of gut microbiome, a term to describe the genomes of trillions of microbes residing in the human gut. According to their review, which was published in the February issue of Nutrition Review (2011; 69(2):99-106), recent research has discovered the gut microbiome supports fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates to short-chain fatty acids that provide excess energy to the body, thus contributing to the obese phenotype. Tin fact, they noted alteration in the ratio of bacteroidetes and firmicutes spark a change in fermentation patterns that could explain weight gain.

Due to these influences, products such as drugs and dietary supplements, that affect the microbiome might help address the obesity epidemic.

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