
Monday, February 7, 2011

Are You Looking for Chronic Pain Glossary?

A Pain Management Glossary

When discussing your pain management plan, your doctor may use words that are unfamiliar to you. Use this glossary to help you understand the medical terminology of chronic pain.

Chronic Pain Glossary

Ablative surgery: Type of surgery performed on parts of the central or peripheral nervous system to help permanently alleviate pain by affecting the pathways of nerves.

Acupressure: Complementary medicine technique that uses pressure on certain points along the body to help with pain management.

Acupuncture: Complementary medicine technique using tiny needles inserted in the skin at certain points along the body to help manage pain.

Acute pain: Pain that can be extremely intense, but lasts for only a short period of time. Acute pain also has a diagnosable cause and gets better with treatment.

Adjuvant medication: Drug not primarily designed for or prescribed to help alleviate pain, but that has been found to help with pain management.

Allodynia: Term used to describe pain that occurs from a situation that doesn't usually cause pain, like something barely touching your skin.

Analgesic: Medication specifically designed to manage or help prevent pain.

Anesthetic: Drug that causes numbness.

Antidepressant: Medication typically used to treat symptoms of depression, but also commonly prescribed to help manage chronic pain and some of its symptoms, such as insomnia.

Anxiolytics: Medications that help manage anxiety and are also used to manage pain by encouraging muscles to relax and thereby ease the pain.

Biofeedback: Complementary medicine technique that trains you to control your body's unconscious processes like breathing and heart rate, which can help to alleviate pain.

Breakthrough pain: Pain that occurs suddenly or as a result of a particular activity.

Central nervous system (CNS): Body system that includes the brain and spinal cord; your doctor may mention your CNS when talking about how pain occurs or the cause of your chronic pain.

Chronic pain: Pain that continues over many months or even years, and may get worse with time. Chronic pain often persists long after an injury has healed; it may be minor or extreme.

Complementary medicine: Treatment that falls outside the standard medical approaches. Complementary medicine techniques for pain may include acupuncture, herbs, chiropractic care, and yoga.

Computed tomography (CT) scan: Diagnostic procedure, using X-ray technology and a computer, that may be used to help diagnose the source of your pain.

Fibromyalgia: Condition that causes pain all over the body, including muscle pain and stiffness; fatigue is another common symptom of this chronic pain condition.

Hyperalgesia: Term to describe excessive pain sensitivity.

Hyperpathia: Term to describe an excessive response to a pain trigger, and pain that continues after the pain trigger is gone.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This diagnostic procedure, using magnetic fields, radio waves, and a computer, may be used to determine the source of pain.

Myofascial pain: Term to describe pain and soreness in the muscles.

Nerve blocks: Pain management technique that involves injecting an anesthetic into the nerves to numb the area and help alleviate pain.

NSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help to reduce inflammation and manage pain; available in over-the-counter and prescription strengths.

Opioid: Medication class often prescribed to manage pain; drugs include codeine, morphine, fentanyl, and methadone.

Peripheral nervous system: This system includes the nerves all over the body that relay messages like pain to the CNS.

Peripheral neuropathy: Pain caused by damage to or an abnormality with the peripheral nervous system.

Pharmacotherapy: Medication-based therapy.

Psychological approaches: Techniques or therapies used instead of or in addition to medication to help you manage your pain; types of therapy include biofeedback, relaxation, stress management, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to manage the emotional triggers of pain.

Rehabilitation: Treatment plan, often exercise based, used to help you regain function or relieve pain caused by an illness or injury.

Reiki: Complementary medicine technique that uses gentle pressure from the hands to encourage "healing energy," and is often used to treat both acute and chronic pain.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Pain management technique that uses small amounts of electricity delivered through electrodes placed on the skin.

Yoga: Complementary medicine technique that exercises the mind and body with meditation, postures, and breathing techniques that can help manage pain.

The treatment your doctor prescribes will depend on the type of pain you’re experiencing and what's causing it. Familiarize yourself with this list of pain management terms, and you'll be better prepared to discuss the options available to you.

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