
Monday, November 15, 2010


What do you know, finally someone sees this.

It s about time someone broaches this issue.

If you have read The Food Tree, you would know that sugar is addictive in more than one way.

Physically beacuse of the sugar-insulin curve, and psycologically because of the brain connections between sugar and emotions.

What to do about it?

Well you can start by reading The Food Tree. It deals hoestly with this issue.

Sugar does indeed fill the criteria for physical dependency (withdrawal) as well as addiction (drug seeking behavior) if one wishes to be scientific about it. (The Food Tree, Amazon Books 2008. Avena and Rada, Journal of Nutrition 2009). We can only address this issue if we cahn get our heads around it. For more information please visit

Ranveig Elvebakk, MD

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