
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Diabetes supplements can help Alzheimer's complications, too

by: SUZY COHEN Dear Pharmacist
Saturday, November 20, 2010
11/20/2010 7:19:38 AM

Dear Pharmacist: I have Type 2 diabetes, my dad has mild Alzheimer's, and my daughter is 35 pounds overweight at 12 years old (but no diabetes). I want to buy your new book on diabetes, but because of holiday expenses, and my husband's in Iraq ... please forgive me for asking, but can it help all of us or just me? - C.T. Oklahoma City

I know it can help all of you. The reason is because the supplements and recipes that I recommend in Diabetes Without Drugs (Rodale 2010) are used to help suppress appetite, curb cravings for fat and sugar, prevent complications of diabetes and turn on key anti-aging genes. This begins burning fat and sugar rapidly, and you lose weight, blood sugar and insulin levels come down, blood flow improves, blood pressure goes down, cholesterol ratios improve, pain diminishes and diabetic complications retreat! Yes, all that by "hitting a switch" in your body which turns on longevity genes.

High levels of sugar and insulin in the blood are like "acid" and contribute to cancer, migraines, fibromyalgia, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and memory loss Some experts now refer to Alzheimer's as Type 3 diabetes.

Losing weight and preventing diabetic complications such as blindness, amputation and heart attack have more to do with balancing hormones and reducing inflammation-causing chemicals and free radical damage. I recommend lipoic acid, spirulina, trace minerals, vitamin D, curcumin and resveratrol just to name a few. There is much more about these supplements in the book, sold at book stores nationwide and Amazon. It's an easy read, intended for regular folks, but get this, three chapters were selected by The American Academy of Anti-Aging as required reading for all physicians seeking board certification in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome." I've sent you an autographed copy of my book, and my prayers are with you and your family.

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