
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Cholesterol a Myth?

Here’s the conventional wisdom on cholesterol. This is because cholesterol is the stuff we see when we look into damaged arteries.

But how and why did it get there?

And, people get heart disease regardless of cholesterol levels. But there is a directly linear link between heart disease and blood sugar. Which reminds us that biochemically, cholesterol is made from sugar.

What’s the hook here?

Heart disease is an inflammatory illness, and statins happen to be anti-inflammatory, but at a high price in terms of economy and side effects. Take a load of this. Your cholesterol is a commodity on Wall Street.

As are the other inflammatory illnesses we get from bad eating.

What is the best and most tolerated anti-inflammatory medication?

Good nutrition.

The body switches off inflammation very quickly when we start eating right. Bonus effect: Healing any other inflammatory illness you might have. Price: Priceless.

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