
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Herbal History

Continued from Yesterday

Drugs are often Dangerous

The results of this synthetic drug explosion have been unfortunate. Today, drugs prescribed in hospitals constitute the number six cause of death among American adults.

“The act of abusing synthetic drugs is a small disaster in the history of humanity.” - Chris Kilham, Informativos

Approximately 300,000 American die each year from the proper use of over-the-counter and prescriptions drugs. This exceeds deaths due to crack, handguns, and traffic accidents combined. Add to that figure the number of adult and child deaths attributable to over the counter and prescription drugs given outside of hospitals, and the figures are even worse. By contrast, most years nobody dies from the use of herbs.

Plant Medicines, Safer and Time-tested

Plant medicines are far and away safer, gentler and better for human health than synthetic drugs. This is so because human beings have co-evolved with plants over the past few million years.

We eat plants, drink their juices, ferment and distill libations from them, and consume them in a thousand forms. Ingredients in plants, from carbohydrates, fats and protein to vitamins and minerals, are part of our body composition and chemistry.

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