
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Best Way to Juice Your Joints

If your portfolio’s gone south, you could do worse than put your money into one of the companies that make arthritis supplements.

Consider the numbers:

35 million people in the United States have osteoarthritis—a term describing the wear and tear that causes aches and pains in aging joints—and they plunk down more cash for arthritis supplements than for any other malady. Last year buyers spent $790 million just on pills that contained glucosamine, chondroitin, and/or MSM, three of the most popular choices.

Figures like these mean hundreds of joint remedies will continue to jostle for shelf space in supplement aisles. So where do you start? Your sister-in-law raves about ginger capsules, but will they work for you? And a friend claims fish oil cured her dog’s arthritic limp. Bully for canines, but where does that leave an achy-kneed human?

Meet Jason Theodosakis, a physician in Tucson, Arizona, and author of The Arthritis Cure. That’s the book that put glucosamine and chondroitin on the map, and although these supplements continue to garner praise from experts and patients alike, Theodosakis isn’t done yet. A medical gumshoe, he is absolutely unrelenting in his pursuit of the best arthritis supplement. Not only does he devour the latest studies and interview scientists and supplement makers, he buys every tablet, capsule, and cream on the market to test the validity of their claims. Over the past decade, he has spent more than $60,000 of his own money putting arthritis remedies to the test.

His motivation? Disgust with standard arthritis treatments. “I was frustrated with the poor safety record of anti-inflammatories,” he says. “Sixteen thousand people die each year from these drugs alone.” Not to mention the millions who suffer from varying degrees of stomach trouble.

Continued Tomorrow

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