
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Magic Bullets or Modern Snake Oil? #1

Magic Bullets or Modern Snake Oil?

This Preface is from my early text on dietary supplements - “Magic Bullets or Modern Snake Oil? - Your Guide to Understanding Dietary Supplements” published by Haworth Press. There is some good information in this book - which has ben used as a college-level textbook in nutrition courses around the country and can be found in the reference section of most libraries.


Widespread Use of Supplements

At no other time in our history, has the public interest in “self-care” and the use of “natural” health remedies been so widespread. According to several public health surveys, as much as 50-60% of the American adult population consumes a dietary supplement on a regular basis. The reasons for the widespread use of supplements is addressed in other parts of this book, but it is abundantly clear that the era of using dietary supplements to promote health and reduce disease is here to stay.

Continued Tomorrow

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