
Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is Onychocryptosis?

Diseases of the Nails #9

Onychocryptosis refers to an ingrown toenail, typically found in the big toe. Extrinsic compression of a toenail, typically from tight footwear, places constant pressure on the nail wall. If the nail is cut inappropriately short and the nail fold is irritated or penetrated, then colonization of bacteria or fungi may occur. Inflammation, edema, erythema, and pain are common findings; an abscess or cellulitis may develop. Treatment for early inflammation focuses on avoiding compressive footwear, dislodging the embedded nail plate, and education on proper nail care, including trimming the nail with squared corners. Treatment for more advanced cases involves partial or complete toenail removal. Antibiotic therapy is typically not required except for those who are diabetic, immunocompromised, or who show significant evidence of cellulitis. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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