
Sunday, January 9, 2011

What the significance of Herbal Gelatin?

Herbal Gelatin Capsule for Asthma

A recent study suggests that an herbal formulation of boswellia, licorice root and turmeric root may be beneficial for patients with bronchial asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory disease that affects millions of people. The chronic condition causes breathing problems, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma may be allergic or non-allergic; however, both forms cause lung inflammation and similar symptoms. Many common conventional treatments are in inhaler form.

Some clinical evidence suggests that boswellia may be beneficial for asthma patients; however, additional research is necessary to evaluate its long-term benefits. Supporting clinical data are limited for both licorice and turmeric.

Researchers in Egypt evaluated the effectiveness of an oral gelatin capsule containing boswellia, licorice root and turmeric root on 63 asthmatic patients. The patients were divided to receive either the herbal capsule three times daily or a placebo for four weeks. Several measurements, including lung function and plasma leukotriene levels, were evaluated throughout treatment.

The researchers found that plasma leukotriene levels, as well as other chemical markers, dropped significantly for the patients treated with the herbal formulation when compared to the placebo group. Leukotriene molecules contribute to the lung inflammation that is present in asthma; therefore, decreased levels would signify decreases in asthma symptoms.

The authors concluded that an herbal gelatin capsule of boswellia, licorice root and turmeric root may benefit patients with asthma. Additional research is necessary before conclusions can be made.

For more information about boswellia, licorice or tumeric, please visit Natural Standard's Foods, Herbs & Supplements database.

1.Houssen ME, Ragab A, Mesbah A, et al. Natural anti-inflammatory products and leukotriene inhibitors as complementary therapy for bronchial asthma. Clin Biochem. 2010 Jul;43(10-11):887-90. Epub 2010 Apr 27. View Abstract
2.Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine.

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