
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top 5 ingredients from New Zealand

Red leaf horopito

Horopito, Pseudowintera colorata, is a member of the Winteraceae family and is one of the oldest surviving flowering plants — 65 million years old. Its natural chemical defence system is in its antioxidant-rich leaves, which have enabled it to survive the millennia of climate changes. Horopito is so ancient, it lacks the specialist water conducting vessels of most flowering plants, making it susceptible to drought; thus it only grows in swampy or high-rainfall areas.

The chemical composition of Active Horopito™ oleoresin is a rich source of the sesquiterpene dialdehyde polygodial. Other constituents include essential oils such as pinenes, limones, humulene and eugenol, and the flavonoids quercetin, luteolin and proanthocyanidins.

Applications include functional ingredients, natural antimicrobials, flavour enhancers, natural preservatives and preservative synergists.

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