
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alpha-Lipoic Acid for Neuropathic Pain

A recent study further supports evidence that alpha-lipoic acid may be beneficial for neuropathic pain in diabetic patients.

Neuropathic pain is nerve pain or damage that may cause numbing, tingling or burning throughout the body
. The sensations usually begin in the toes and feet and then spread. If diabetic neuropathy is left untreated it may result in the loss of feeling in effected limbs and the need for amputation.

Researchers in the Netherlands reviewed available literature on alpha-lipoic acid to evaluate its effectiveness on neuropathic pain. Alpha-lipoic acid is naturally produced within the body to protect against cell damage. The researchers searched several databases and ultimately included six studies in their review; however, they noted that only four were of "good quality."

The total symptom score (TSS) was used as the primary outcome measure in the evaluation of each study. The researchers found that there was a significant improvement in TSS for four randomized-control trials. Alpha-lipoic acid oral or intravenous doses of 600 milligrams daily reduced TSS by 50 percent. However, the authors noted that when compared to control groups, symptoms were usually reduced by less than 30 percent.

Although additional research is necessary to evaluate dosing, the authors concluded that current evidence suggests that alpha-lipoic acid may reduce neuropathic pain.

1.Mijnhout GS, Alkhalaf A, Kleefstra N, et al. Alpha lipoic acid: a new treatment for neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes? Neth J Med. 2010 Apr;68(4):158-62. View Abstract
2.Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine.

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