
Sunday, January 9, 2011

7 Strategies For Today’s Stressful Living

In such a time as this with global changes in our economy, environment and lifestyle everywhere you look, you will need to find your center and stay grounded in what powerfully feeds your soul. The collective energy can be very frenetic, fear based and overwhelming. It can start to make you feel like you are spinning out of control and feeling hopeless, looking at the world with despair from its core dysfunctions rather than seeing the possibility consciousness as the phoenix is rising from the ashes.

When your attention is scattered so is your power. Be still, be quiet and breathe. Notice the power of your own life force and the power of “Divine expression” within you. You are the place of spirit and a space of consciousness life is happening through, so what is your deepest intent? And are you living it fully or are you distracted by your thoughts and the chaos of our times?

Multi-tasking is the capacity to multi-consume and stay disconnected from your deepest truth. In such a time as this we are being asked to go back to the basics, the fundamental values in life. Where guidance comes from living in basic spiritual qualities that nurture and sustain our well-being. Sounds simple, it can be, and less is more!

On your quest to find your way in these new times you must first acknowledge that we are in a new time, learning to live in the mystery of what is possible as well as managing our “monkey minds”. If you continue to cling onto the past and resist the changes it will only get harder and more painful. If you learn to embrace and navigate these changes, by recognizing the silver lining then life becomes more fulfilling and exciting as you create space for new possibilities.

We need to take control of our minds and heal the underlying lie of our “not enoughness” in this world and return to what is sustainable. It is said that just 15 seconds of conscious, focused intentional thought is all it takes to restructure your thoughts and start new patterns of consciousness. All it takes are baby steps and clear intention to start the shift.

1) Find your center and live from it. Be quiet enough to feel your connection to spirit and your innermost being, this is the Source of everything. From this place of stillness and connectedness you will recognize everything you need is waiting for you to claim it. Balance, clarity and joy live within you and will support you to move forward in your life. Meditation, journaling, prayer, a walk on the beach are all ways that can help you find your center and connection to source.

2) “Surrender” to what is, learn to let go of resistance. Let go of the fighting because what you resist, persists and over time it is exhausting. Trust that there is a bigger plan and notice how the synchronicity shows up in your life. You will be in the flow of “Divine Guidance” which is much more harmonious in your mind, body and soul.

3) Self-Care is one of the most important ways to stay connected to source and to be able to live your most powerful Life Purpose. This involves taking care of your mind, body and soul. Letting go of old belief systems or thought patterns that do not serve your growth. Sleeping well, eating well, exercising and connecting to spirit daily are all ways to nurture yourself. When we are filled up from a place of self-love then we flow with true purpose and service in the world. Then we can be the pioneers of possibility we are meant to be..

4) Connection and community is key for these times. We need to learn to trust each other and ask for help. To be able to work together to create a world that is more connected to the rhythms of nature and spirit so that we can be whole and sustainable. To teach our families and communities that the value of connection is in our ability to live in the Oneness consciousness.

5) Live with gratitude everyday. Be thankful for everything that comes your way because there is always a “pearl in the oyster”. Be grateful for your life and the people in it for without them there would be no capacity for you to grow, transform, or love yourself and others. What you appreciate,… appreciates you!

6) Living from your deepest intent. This would require you to understand that your intent arrives before you do. What are your motivations behind your thoughts, words and actions and are they aligned with truth and integrity? Do they create a win-win situation and a sense of justice for all? Take time to evaluate your deepest intent for your life in these times and notice how it is a part of the process of manifestation in your life. I recommend reading “Your Deepest Intent, Letters from the Infinite” by Rev. Deborah L. Johnson . She is a spiritual teacher and world-class leader with heart and wisdom that will carry you through theses times and into our “new world” of possibility consciousness.

7) Forgiveness is absolutely necessary in these times. Without forgiveness in life you cannot move forward, you will be stuck in the negative energy and held hostage until you can forgive. It is about shifting your relationship to the circumstance so it does not rob you of your life force, or your ability to say “Yes” to the universe. You see forgiveness frees you to be all that you can be and teaches your heart about real unconditional love for yourself and humanity.

I am grateful for this opportunity to share some helpful strategies with you on this journey of transformation. I trust they will help to ground you in your heart and remind you of ways to simplify and reconnect to the Divine Source that feeds your soul. In these times where we are at our growing edge and being stretched into the mystery of this “new world”, I encourage you to embrace all the opportunities in your space as a place for greater possibility to emerge. Thank you for reading strategies for these stressful times, and I look forward to sharing more tips in our next connection.

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