
Friday, July 16, 2010

Healthy Individuals = Successful Businesses

Have you come to the end of a long day and still felt guilty about not working harder and longer?

Have you felt guilty about not spending more time with your family and friends but still kept working? Have you worked long hours but wondered whether you were making any progress?

If any or all of these are common in your life, ask yourself if you feel that your life is in balance. Many farmers believe their work is a seven-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year job. The health of the livestock and crops is critical to business productivity, but so is your health and that of your family.

Research shows that those whose lives are in balance are healthier, and healthy individuals are more productive in their businesses. Time for regeneration (refueling your energy level) is important to your health. Vacations, of course, are a vital way to refuel, reduce stress, and energize family unity. So, however, is how we live each and every day.

This month we address this issue by answering three questions:
• Why is life balance important?
• How can we increase balance each day?
• What about a vacation?

By Bob Milligan

Dr. Bob Milligan is Senior Consultant with Dairy Strategies, LLC and Professor Emeritus, Cornell University

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